Smooth Point Pier Extension
EnviroCentre were tasked with coordinating and preparing the EIA Screening and Scoping report, undertaking environmental assessment and preparing the Assessment of Impact on the Receiving Environment (AIRE) report for the Smooth Point pier extension at Killybegs Fishery Harbour Centre (F.H.C) Killybegs, Co. Donegal.
Killybegs harbour accommodates large cruise liners, service vessels for the oil and gas industry, large scale delivery of wind farm components along with annual fish landings from both foreign and Irish vessels. As a consequence of this increased activity the demand for quayside berthing now exceeds available quay space during peak periods. At present, due to depth restrictions caused by the existing sediment bank at Smooth Point, approximately 80m of quayside is unusable. The Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine are seeking to provide approximately 120 metres of additional berthing space in the vicinity of Smooth Point and to provide mooring dolphins to the western end of the pier to aid stern on mooring.

In total an estimated 128,500 m3 of bed material will be dredged from the Killybegs Harbour area, out of which approximately 96,900 m3 will be disposed at the dredge dump site in Donegal Bay. Approximately 17,600 m3 of silts and gravels will be dredged from the dredge area which has been found to be unsuitable for disposal at sea and will be disposed of to land.