Durieshill: A New Village
EnviroCentre provided a wide range of environmental advice, support and assessment to Springfield Properties in respect of an ambitious masterplanned new village of 3,000 houses and associated land uses, to the south of Bannockburn and west of Plean, which culminated in the submission of the planning application to Stirling Council in December 2017.
As lead EIA consultants, EnviroCentre took a design-focused approach, providing EIA co-ordination and project management, ecology, ornithology, hydrology and drainage, arboricultural, noise and air quality services across the project. Our approach to environmental design was incorporated into design days and regular advice to Springfield, whereby mitigation and enhancement was built into the design. Examples of this include providing advice on development footprint and layout with respect to baseline constraints, for example the proximity of proposed development to trunk roads in respect of CadnAa noise modelling, or in relation to tree protection areas and Ancient Woodland. Enhancement measures include working with the landscape architect and masterplanner to identify an appropriate planting regime, measures for enhanced SUDS or a Woodland Management Strategy.

Through collaborative working with the design team, a sustainable and environmentally friendly masterplan was finalised and submitted to Stirling Council alongside a comprehensive Environmental Statement. A planning decision is anticipated in Q3 2018. Our experience on this project demonstrates a range of integrated services, and our ability and capacity to be a small-medium company who can provide a bespoke and personal approach to large, high-profile projects.