Renewable and alternative energy sources that we have worked on range from solar, wave and tidal, to wind farms, hydro schemes and biomass.
Our team has significant experience when it comes to providing environmental consultancy services for wind and solar farms. Whether your project requires an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), pre-construction surveys, Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW), or other environmental services, our multidisciplinary team can help you meet your objectives.
We have experience in creating a variety of management plans for wind farms including, but not limited to, species protection, habitat management, ornithology monitoring, drainage, waste management, peat management, pollution prevention, fisheries management and water quality monitoring.
Post-construction monitoring can also be carried out by our team to support your project such as for bird surveys, tree planting, bracken control and other activities.
EnviroCentre has supported a wide range of hydro schemes over the years, from hydrological assessments, outline designs and consultation with regulatory stakeholders, to the production of Construction Method Statements, Environmental Management Plans and ECoW during construction.
We are looking forward to creating and strengthening our partnerships within this sector over the coming decades, as the infrastructure for the generation and distribution of renewable energy develops further.